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Wood Burning Fireplaces – Safety And Cleaning Concerns

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Every reputable Chimney Cleaning and inspection company will either have chimney repair specialists on staff or know of a good reputable chimney and mortar repair company they can recommend for this type of issue. Of course, one of the best ways to make sure this doesn’t happen is to have your chimney and fireplace inspected annually.

Not only is Chimney Cleaning good for reducing allergy symptoms of your family, it is also a wise home improvement job to undertake for safety reasons. A dirty chimney that is full of dirt and creosote can cause a fire rather easily. Cleaning your chimney on a regular basis will prevent creosote from building up and it will also provide you with some peace of mind knowing that you are protecting from family from possible peril.

The problem is that many HVAC units have not been serviced properly. This can cause major problems in the operation of the unit. Not only will it not run efficiently. It can make it impossible for you to be able to get the hot or cold air that you are looking for in your home. This is why whether you are looking for better heating or air conditioning, it is a good idea to make sure you are getting the right service for your system even if it means you will have to get duct work.

It’s recommended by the National Fire Protection Agency that your chimney undergo a yearly inspection, with cleaning and repairs done as necessary. You should also have your wood stoves and/or fireplace inserts, if needed, inspected and cleaned every year. Open fireplaces need consistent maintenance and cleaning, with experts recommending a cleaning every two to three years for each cord of burnt.

The excessive build-up of the highly combustible creosote, for instance, is responsible for many chimney fire incidents. Also, depending on the situation, a professional sweep may find out that the chimney pipe has become unsafe overtime from normal wear and tear and might need correctly aligned. Or maybe the chimney cap has disappeared or worn out. Or the flue is badly damaged or wrongly fitted.

The microwave oven. When it comes to kitchen cleaning all housewives hate the microwave oven. This is because they don’t know how to clean it easier. Placing some wet paper towels in it and turning it on for several minutes will do the trick. The steam they produce will help remove the stains and the dirt easier. Only take the towels out of the oven when they cool down and use them for wiping the interior of the oven for removing all dirt. If the oven smells bad, put a cup of water in which you have mixed half a cup of lemon juice in it and start it for several minutes. Leave the mixture in there for another ten minutes.

After inserting a chimney brush into the opening of your vent, you can lower and raise the brush and subsequently clean the walls of your chimney. The brush is usually connected by rods, where you can add or detach rods to accommodate the depth of your flue. This method is especially efficient because there is very little cleanup from inside the home. You can close off the opening to the fire place to help keep the soot and rubbish going all over your home. You can also opt to use the flue brush from inside the home. You work from the inside and use the brush, working from the bottom and working your way up. This is safer but can be more cumbersome and messier because you cannot seal off the opening of the fireplace and so many of the dust and ash finds its way into your home.

To avoid odors in the kitchen use baking soda. You can sprinkle some in the bottom of your trashcan(s) and put an open box in your refrigerator. If your microwave is holding smells hostage, consider putting a bowl of baking soda in there whenever it’s not being used.

hvac ducts The third method is the weight method. You are required to do the same as the top down method with the flexible rods except this way instead of connecting the brush to rods you use rope, pull rings and weights. Assemble the rope and pull rings adding weight of 20 pounds to the brush, lowering and raising the brush to clean the walls.

The most common cause of chimney and fireplace odors is the creosote deposits in your chimney. Creosote which is a natural by-product of burning wood is a tar-like substance that forms a thick coating in your chimney. The smells coming from your fireplace are stronger when the humidity is higher, on those rainy summer days, and when the air conditioner is running continuously.

The stove is the next challenging task, however it’s easier if you are in the habit of wiping it down after each use. Oven cleaning is a bit difficult but if you have self-cleaning option, set it to clean the night before you plan to clean your kitchen. Remove all the burners from the stove top and scrub them down and watch with delight!

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