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How Bumper Stickers a Good Advertising Tool

T shirts, vests and sleeveless tops are only worn to keep the middle part of your body warm and therefore you would only wear these items of clothes on a summers day. But that doesn’t restrict you wearing any of these clothes item in house or when your doing the gardening on Autumns day. What isn’t advised is to wear funny t shirts out on a weekend when your shopping in the city centre when the weather isn’t brilliant because you’ll be cold as ice basically and you may then have to shop really quickly for some warm clothes.

Hence, custom bumper stickers prove to be one the booming industries for commercial advertisements. They are able to communicate to big audiences, build a new company’s identity, increase a new company’s visibility, strengthen an already established company’s name, and moreover, it could do all of this at extremely low costs. It is, therefore, that glue that every company must stick to.

As a measure of how forced induction, turbochargers specially, have come of age, BMW has begun replacing its award-winning engines with forced induction replacements. A particular example is the famous M5 sedan, which began life as a 5-series executive sedan with a high-performance inline six. Later models then progressed to a V8 and then to the infamous F1-derived V10 which gave the mass market consumer 500 horsepower at the drop of a pedal. So what did BMW do to top this engine? It went back to a V8 which, because of its twin turbos runs rings around the V10 and consumes 30% less fuel to boot.

By spending less money at Christmas, you can give yourself some much-needed time to relax. Think about it – most people take off time at work, then run around like crazy getting ready for Christmas. By the time it’s time to go back to work, they’re exhausted!

Secondly, being able to attract the mass audience, bumper stickers are a very good means of brand recognition. The exposure that your business name and logo will get on a bumper sticker is immense. The increased visibility of the name and the logo will build your company identity and will help you to be conspicuous among other companies that perhaps use the same conventional modes of advertisement.

Let’s be honest – shopping for Christmas presents is stressful. You’ve got to navigate down icy roads just to get to the mall. Then, once you’re there, you’ve got to elbow your way around. (Sometimes, the icy roads are actually safer than a big clearance sale!) Once you’ve got everything bought, you’ve got to wrap it all up. And, if you’ve got loved ones who live far away, you’ve got to battle long lines at the Post Office just to get their gifts to them!

Bumper stickers become an effective means of advertising for various reasons. First and foremost, bumper stickers reach a large, susceptible audience. With the increasing number of cars on the road, you are stuck in traffic almost every day, so the first thing your eyes set on is almost always that flashy sticker on the bumper of the car standing right in front of you- and, of course, you read it. It is not just a good way to get your mind off the frustrating traffic jam but in such vulnerable times, a well written bumper sticker leaves a lasting positive impression in the minds of the drivers.

In warmer countries you would wear your t shirts and short sleeved tops more often than your hooded tops and vice versa in colder countries you would wear your hooded tops more often than your funny tops but you could always wear your short sleeved tops underneath your hoodies to act as a vest itself.

Hooded tops are like jumpers that will keep you warm and under some light rain are alright to wear if the weather is forecasted to rain if you are going out. You would wear these on a winters day if you were going out for a walk and you didn’t want to wear a heavy coat or a jacket. Hooded tops are very trendy these days because you can buy them in many different colours with the latest being purple and green.

People may think that there aren’t that many choice in slogans or funny printed images on funny hooded tops but they are wrong. What ever you can imagine being on a simple garment like a t shirt you can have it printed on a hooded top or any other garments, that’s the technology of printing for you. If you can imagine and dream it, it can be printed.

Upon the announcement of CAFE (Corporate Average Fuel Economy) requirements, manufacturers howled at the impossibility of meeting those standards. Today though, 50 mile per gallon cars are readily available on the market. Leading up to this significant increase in mileage was the development of technologies like electronic fuel injection and engine management, catalytic converters, aerodynamic car bodies, low rolling resistance tires and reduced friction coatings and lubricants. All these areas of development were the result of the push given to the manufacturers to improve efficiencies. In so doing, engine performance was greatly improved, to the point that instead of killing off the aftermarket performance scene, it produced a billion-dollar industry.

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