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Autumn House Cleaning

So just how can you tell if a product is not quite as “green” as you would like? Well, here’s a good rule of thumb. If the list of ingredients and other warnings are too small to read, and use words that you can’t pronounce and don’t recognize – the product is probably hazardous to your family’s health if it isn’t completely wiped away after use. It’s that simple.

Chimney rods and the proper size brush head. the brush head should be poly and be able to move up and down your chimney flue, yet not fall down your chimney flue if you let go of it while it is in your chimney flue.

In older homes fireplaces and wood stoves were common and almost a necessity. Today many contractors and home builders are doing away with fireplaces altogether. Those homes that have fireplaces need to be properly maintained. Unlike vehicles, fireplace and chimney maintenance is relatively inexpensive. Assuming the chimney stack is in good repair and is not crumbling, regular Chimney Cleaning is generally only required every couple of years. If the fireplace or wood stove is receives heavy use then more frequent cleanings may be necessary.

The microwave oven. When it comes to kitchen cleaning all housewives hate the microwave oven. This is because they don’t know how to clean it easier. Placing some wet paper towels in it and turning it on for several minutes will do the trick. The steam they produce will help remove the stains and the dirt easier. Only take the towels out of the oven when they cool down and use them for wiping the interior of the oven for removing all dirt. If the oven smells bad, put a cup of water in which you have mixed half a cup of lemon juice in it and start it for several minutes. Leave the mixture in there for another ten minutes.

Your kitchen cleaning routine should always include moping as this not only helps to keep your feet and socks clean when you’re moving around the kitchen, but it’ll also help eliminate any potential microorganism and other bacteria that might be dwelling in the crevices of the kitchen flooring. It is advisable for you to use floor moping detergent with hot water since this combination works best to not only kill off any tiny living bacteria on the floor, but also helps to loosen up any stuck dirt. To get the moping done much quicker, you can invest in a steam powered mop. These are versatile and can work on pretty much any type of kitchen flooring.

You can decide to either go for professional help or just do it yourself. Will the professional help you are guaranteed of a job well done. After deciding when to clean your chimney, you will need some tools to make the job easier. You don’t need any training to be able to use these tools. The common Chimney Cleaning tools are wire brush, rod, broom shovel and a vacuum cleaner if it’s present. There are also protective tools that one needs like goggles which are meant to prevent any debris from entering the eyes, mask to protect the mouth and nose because the dust and ash could get into the lungs and gloves.

Prioritize which areas should be cleaned first. Generally these areas are the dirtiest. Once they have been attended to you are able to work on those other areas that require only a quick dusting or a wipe.

Now you are ready to clean the flue. Move brush in up and down direction and scrape it against the walls of the chimney. Remove all the creosote (in form of ash, soot or as black shiny hardened gaze or a black crunchy substance).

hvac ducts Ok, lets start at the bottom and work our way up. A broom is obviously a basic for our cleaning supplies. Again there are an amazing amount of choices, but essentially they boil down to natural bristles or artificial bristles. The artificial bristles work great on kitchen floors and if your purchase a broom with angled bristles you will be able to get into corners to pull out food and other dirt easily. Along with a broom a mop is a good basic choice. Many of the Swiffer home products make great choices, they are especially friendly at being able to throw the mop head in the garbage and help remove odors and germs that are typically trapped in standard mop heads.

It’s recommended by the National Fire Protection Agency that your chimney undergo a yearly inspection, with cleaning and repairs done as necessary. You should also have your wood stoves and/or fireplace inserts, if needed, inspected and cleaned every year. Open fireplaces need consistent maintenance and cleaning, with experts recommending a cleaning every two to three years for each cord of burnt.

Anytime you burn a fire in your fireplace, black particles collect to form a sticky and highly flammable tar called creosote. A buildup of creosote can easily result in a chimney fire which can quickly turn into a house fire. It is imperative to clean your chimney at least once a year to prevent this type of fire from occurring. While it’s always a good idea to have smoke and carbon monoxide detectors installed in your home, having a clean chimney can prevent them from ever going off.

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