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Diy Chimney Cleaning: How To Have A Soot-Free Chimney Inexpensively

An important kitchen cleaning tip is: in your kitchen attend to spills and messes immediately. Prevention is the first step in keeping your kitchen clean and tidy. House cleaning does not have to be an unpleasant task; attending to cleaning on a daily basis will cut down on time and energy. Cleaning a kitchen does however need to be precise, thorough and consistent.

To be more eco-friendly, you can opt for natural cleaning ingredients. Baking soda, vinegar, lemon juice, cornstarch and borax are great kitchen cleaning products. They can deodorize and sanitize your kitchen. Apart from being eco-friendly, they are also safer to use than commercial cleaners.

The most common cause of chimney and fireplace odors is the creosote deposits in your chimney. Creosote which is a natural by-product of burning wood is a tar-like substance that forms a thick coating in your chimney. The smells coming from your fireplace are stronger when the humidity is higher, on those rainy summer days, and when the air conditioner is running continuously.

Along with your yearly inspection should come the Chimney Cleaning. It is probably even more important to do this often if you use your fireplace frequently. Not only is having this area cleaned frequently important because of fire and smoke hazards, but also it is helpful in keeping the air in your home cleaner.

Another option you can use is a washing soda. When you are cleaning kitchen cupboards with washing soda, take the necessary precaution of wearing gloves. Washing soda is made up of sodium carbonate which can be harmful on the skin because of its pH level. This pH level 11 solution is extremely basic and your skin simply can’t handle it. You can use a mixture composed of a bucket of warm water and half cup of washing soda to scrub the cupboards.

Duct cleaning can improve your health. According the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, indoor air may be up to 70 times more polluted than outdoor air. Bacteria, pollen, dust mites, and other contaminants can all lurk in a building’s ventilation system, contributing to breathing difficulties, allergy flare-ups and other problems. Visible mold in an air duct is a particular problem and should be addressed right away, as should rodent or insect infestations. A professional HVAC cleaning can help remove these contaminants and improve the health of you and your family.

A chimneys main purpose is to ensure that gases and smoke produced are vented up and out of your home. This is important because the buildup of these gases in your home can create carbon monoxide levels that can be fatal. Secondly the chimney is used to contain the excess heat produced from the fire and vent it to the outside of your home. If this excess heat is not vented out of your home properly it can cause a fire within your home. This is why it is of vital importance that if you have any chimney repairs done you should ensure that they are done correctly and a by qualified professional.

Not only is Chimney Cleaning good for reducing allergy symptoms of your family, it is also a wise home improvement job to undertake for safety reasons. A dirty chimney that is full of dirt and creosote can cause a fire rather easily. Cleaning your chimney on a regular basis will prevent creosote from building up and it will also provide you with some peace of mind knowing that you are protecting from family from possible peril.

Customer service is very important in the Chimney Cleaning business. This could likely be a very messy job, so it is important that they clean up after themselves completely as part of their customer service. This is, of course, only one aspect of customer service, but it is an important one. You will want a company that will be adept at all areas of customer service.

The primary tool that is used to clean the inside of a chimney is a special brush that has metal bristles. The brush can be very small so that it fits inside of a pipe or it can be over a foot wide for larger chimneys. The head of the brush can be shaped like a circle, square or triangle. The different brush shapes make it easier to clean chimneys that have awkward proportions.

Another gaffe can be placing the HVAC registers near windows and doors. This is especially prevalent in split level homes or newer homes with large bay or front facing windows. Often times there is no other place to put the register, so it goes in front of the window. As long as the window is new and covered (and insulated well) most of the time this shouldn’t be a problem. But down the road, as the window insulation fails, this can be a major source of energy loss.

Never let unwashed dishes and other kitchen utensils gather in the kitchen sink over time. Leaving it unclean for a long time will invite insects and help in the spread of bacteria. As soon as you have finished using the dishes, immediately wash them. For large families, ask each member of the family to wash the plates after use so it doesn’t pile up which makes the dish washing session so tiring.

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