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Things To Note About Chimney Liner Safety

Keep in mind when you are thinking about a brand new home that there is simply no history of energy bills for the house. So in effect you are flying blind. You can make educated guesses based on the energy star stickers, the area temperature, and your appliances (assuming insulation is to spec) but there …

Is Your Fireplace Chimney Ready For Use?

Along with chimney and fireplace cleaning, it is also important to properly maintain your chimney and fireplace, making repairs as needed. Having repair done when needed allows you to avoid dangerous safety issues and identify minor problems before they become more extensive. When it comes to your chimney or fireplace, repair will clearly be needed …

Tools Needed For Chimney Repair

More often than not, this means you put off cleaning those surfaces and the dirt turns into long-standing grime. When there is too much prep work involved, those of us who have long days at work, are raising kids, or aren’t as physically energetic as we used to be, never really get around to it. …

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